When reality TV began, I was not a fan. I felt I had enough reality in my own life. I watch TV to escape, not to get involved in other people's struggles and challenges. But then one summer, I got hooked on
Top Chef after channel surfing. It turned out to be one of the best things that ever happened to me. Hungry for more, I then found FoodNetwork and now have a passion for cooking.
As a result of that positive experience, I'm now more open to reality TV in general, but tend to favor competitions. One of the best reality shows currently on television is
The Glee Project. Realizing the students on the popular network show,
Glee, will eventually have to graduate high school, the producers are looking for new talent to keep the show going.
The Glee Project contestants are competing for a seven-episode part. They are all extremely talented and any one of them would be a great addition to the hit show.
Another favorite is
Project Runway because I'm a Tim Gunn fan. Gunn is such a kind presence in a cut-throat industry and I recommend all his books. Season nine of
Project Runway premiered last night. As usual, most of the contestants are in their 20s and 30s. The fun is watching them walk the fine line between talent and crazy. But this season also includes a mature contestant, 57-year-old Bert, who ended up winning the first challenge! For sure this will be an entertaining season.
Clearly I'm now a reality TV convert. My journey has been a lesson in staying open to new experiences and not judging too quickly. I guess it's true. We're never too old to learn.