May 2018

May 2018

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

December Daily – December 10

I forced myself to do some cleaning, but most of today was spent either in my hobby room or at the gym. I made several holiday cards, using some of my smaller cross-stitch projects. And I played around with making small snow globes out of tiny jam jars. Why? Why not!

On the way to the gym, I mailed the cards I made and my sister's birthday gift. My poor sister has a birthday just five days before Christmas, December 20. I honestly don't remember ever seriously celebrating Nancy's birthday. My mom hated holidays, especially Christmas. She also wasn't very organized. I feel certain mom had little time or energy to celebrate a birthday while trying to get through the biggest holiday of the year.

As previously mentioned, I'm trying to log miles on the indoor track as training for our January theme-park trip. I always just walk. Six years ago I learned the joint of my big toe on my right foot is riddled with arthritis and no longer bends. Determined to avoid surgery, I've taught myself to walk without bending that joint, but running has been out of the question for a long time now.

Today, however, I was the only one on the track for awhile and decided to see if I could run flat-footed. I did one complete lap and it was so much fun. I'll see how my toe feels later, but so far so good. Way cool!

1 comment:

Rita said...

It always feels good when the cards are in the mail. You should show the snow globes. Save pics if they are going out as presents and you don't want to post them yet. ;)

You are doing so good with the walking. You'll be much better prepared for all that walking down there. Going to be so much fun!! :)