May 2018

May 2018

Saturday, December 6, 2014

December Daily – Day 6

Happy Saint Nicholas Day!

This morning I took St. Nick gifts to the grandsons before starting my theme-park training. In preparation for my trip to Universal Orlando with my daughter and oldest grandson in 46 days, I plan to walk the indoor track several times a week in addition to my regular gym classes.

After my workout and a shower, I had lunch with my daughter and we did a little shopping at Target. Primarily we needed newborn outfits for tomorrow's "Bless the Infant Jesus" ceremony at church. Jonah's religion class will sing several songs; the priest will bless baby Jesus statues people bring in from home nativity scenes; and Nurses for Newborns will accept clothing donations. After the ceremony, we will drive through the Live Nativity presented by the parish's teen group.

It's definitely feeling a lot like Christmas!

My daughter's family celebrated Saint Nicholas Day
with a trip to Ted Drewes Frozen Custard stand,
and a walk through the attached tree lot.

1 comment:

Rita said...

Oh, I love that they take donations for the newborns, too!!

Sounds like you will really be ready for all the walking on your trip. And it is a LOT of walking. :)