May 2018

May 2018

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

End of Day One

The demo began on the kitchen today. It was delayed a day because the contractors needed Monday to finish their previous job.

All the old cabinets are now on the front porch waiting for my Craigslist buyer to pick them up this evening. The rest of the trash, as you can see, is in a pile in the middle of the room. The pile will be hauled away tomorrow at the end of day two when it'll be even bigger.

Yay, no more soffit!

I spent the day setting up a makeshift kitchen in the basement, cleaning our temporary common area, and then taking it easy reading magazines and doing online research. I didn't sleep well last night I'm sure due to what was going to happen today. And, for the last eight days, I've been working hard emptying the kitchen and doing a lot of cooking. I was ready for a slow day.

Nevertheless, due to all the prep I did yesterday, this morning I was able to easily dump all the ingredients for ham soup into my Crock Pot. So, despite not having a kitchen, we'll be eating a home-cooked meal tonight.

I'm hoping to continue eating in Monday through Friday, as usual, during the kitchen remodel. Time will tell if I'm successful. Yesterday I learned it will take two weeks to install the granite countertops after measurements are taken, which can't happen until the cabinets are in. If all goes as planned, that means I won't have a kitchen, again, until at least August 14. That's a full month without a stove or oven.

Nothing to be done about it. So I'm just taking deep breaths and dreaming of my new kitchen. If that fails, there's always Xanax!

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