May 2018

May 2018

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Time To Burn More Calories

I've been counting calories, again, for the last few days.  I'm also staying away from "junk" food.  I haven't weighed myself recently, but suspect I gained at least five pounds last month.

I don't plan to weight myself anytime soon.  Too often I've felt good about my diet and exercise regimen, as well as how I looked, only to slip into a "funk" by a number on the scale.  I don't need that kind of pressure right now.  Besides, I'm doing all I'm willing to do at this time, except for working out more often.

That's my goal for this week, getting back on track with regular workouts.  Yesterday I cleaned our workout room, which had still been a mess from the sewer repair.  I also recently connected a Roku player to a new flat screen in that room.

So there's really no excuse now for not regularly logging time on the stationary bike.  Unless, of course, I just have to spend so much time online.  Nope, that's definitely not a good excuse.  Gotta go!

March 1-3 - No "junk" food.
30 minutes cardio; 15 minutes hand weights.

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