May 2018

May 2018

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Again, I Heart My iPad

My main motive for getting an iPad was to save space in my carry-on.  My hope was it would replace the larger portable DVD player, its heavy charger, and the case of DVDs I always took when I traveled.  That plan worked beautifully, but I've come to rely on my iPad for so much more.

My iPad is now my day timer, which still surprises me.  Before owning an iPad, I couldn't imagine giving up my paper calendar for a digital one.  But, since the iPad calendar is super user-friendly and it's always near me, it was an easy transition.

And, most nights, my iPad goes to bed with me.  I watch videos with the Netflix app, or read books with the Kindle app.  Laying in bed, the iPad screen size is fine for movies.  And, since the iPad is backlit, there's no need for a book light when reading.  Best of all, I don't need my nightstand lamp.  When I get tired, I just close my iPad cover.

Yes, it turns out I have a lot of uses for my iPad beyond saving space in my carry-on.  However, it's even better than expected for travel.  With the iPad, there's no need to bring a laptop or look for an internet cafe.  Plus my iPhone and iPad use the same charger, which saves even more space in my carry-on.

I know I've blogged before about how much I love my iPad, but I just had to say it again.  I heart my iPad :-)

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