May 2018

May 2018

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Cabin Fever, An Inherited Trait

I never thought "cabin fever" was inherited, but now I know better.  Looking back, I can remember my sister as a teenager always wanting to go somewhere.  I now believe she inherited that trait from dad.  Even at 80 years of age, dad finds an excuse to drive somewhere everyday.  It doesn't matter if it's raining, snowing, sleeting, or 107 degrees.

I now realize the trait was passed to my daughter also.  Of my two children, Emily always seemed to feel the need to get out of the house.  While Daniel was happy reading all day, Emily just had to go somewhere.  She's the same way today in her 30s with two children.

And now I'm convinced Emily's youngest, Jonah, is just like his mom.  At the same age, 17 months, Jonah's big brother, Elliott, was content to play with grandma all day and watch videos.  In fact, I remember telling Elliott, when he was two, that I had to go to the bank.  His response, "OK, grandma, I'll just stay here."  But Jonah has no interest in videos and can't seem to sit still unless he's in a stroller, car seat, or highchair.  Shortly after our morning walks, he starts begging to go "bye bye" again.  He grabs his shoes and blue bear, and heads for the door.

So now I'm always thinking of things to do in the car on Grandma Daycare days. I only have so much energy for lifting a 28-pound toddler in and out of a car seat. We typically drive through the bank and post office.  And we often drive through Taco Bell where I get a diet-safe Fresco taco for me and a cheese roll-up for Jonah.  (I was really bummed this week when Taco Bell closed for renovation!) Today we had a big adventure.  We got the car washed.

For a person who didn't inherit the "cabin fever" trait, I find the need to go somewhere everyday extremely annoying.  I would absolutely love to stay home for several days in a row.  I know I would never run out of things to do.  And, if I ever got a little lonely, I'm sure one of my relatives suffering with "cabin fever" would love to come over!

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