May 2018

May 2018

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Scarlet Fever

Last Friday, during Grandma Day, I noticed Elliott was a little congested and periodically did some coughing.  Then Saturday morning he woke with a sore throat.  Within a few hours he had a temperature.  The sore throat and elevated temperatures continued all weekend.  But what Emily found most alarming was how red and puffy Elliott's face was.  A trip to the doctor on Monday confirmed scarlet fever.

When Jim and I first heard scarlet fever, we were immediately alarmed.  It sounds medieval! But, simplified, scarlet fever is strep throat with a red rash.  Untreated, it's contagious for approximately 20 days.  Treated, it's no longer contagious 24 hours after starting antibiotics.

Scarlet fever is transmitted through saliva.  Since Elliott still sucks his thumb when he's tired, it's a miracle Jonah isn't sick too.  It's probably just a matter of time.  So, in the meantime, I'm going to continue my compulsive use of soap and water and hand sanitizer.

*13 Grandma Days until End of School Year*

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