May 2018

May 2018

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Birthday Elliott!

Today I now have a five-year-old grandson.  It's tough to grasp.  Even tougher is the fact that Elliott will be in Kindergarten next year, which brings a number of challenges.

The closest grade school to Elliott's house is Woerther.  However, because that school is full, Ballwin Elementary has been designated as the grade school for Elliott's subdivision. Ballwin is twice as far as Woerther and much further from grandma's house. So Emily submitted a transfer form to get Elliott into Westridge, which is near our house and where she went to grade school.

Then there's the issue of full- versus half-day Kindergarten.  Since Elliott is already in full-day preschool, he would have no problem with full-day Kindergarten.  But there are only 25 openings.  So, in addition to hoping for Westridge, we're also praying for full-day Kindergarten.

If Elliott ends up in half-day Kindergarten, I will be watching him half-days next year in addition to Jonah all day.  If Elliott ends up at Ballwin, I will be picking him up every day. We've been told there's a good chance that Elliott can take the bus to grandma's house if he goes to Westridge.

Therefore, next school year could be a tough one for Grandma Daycare.  However, I should have only a couple more years.  In two years both Elliott and Jonah will be in full-day school.   One in grade school; one in preschool.  I'm finally beginning to see a light at the end of the tunnel!

(Day 21 of 30-Day Shred:  Going into the home stretch cardio is still the toughest part.)

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