May 2018

May 2018

Friday, November 20, 2015

Pumpkin Pie Run Winner!

What's better than a medal
or trophy? A pumpkin pie!
Yesterday was Jonah's first Pumpkin Pie Run as he's now in grade school. The way the Run works is each student predicts how long it will take them to run the track. The student in each grade who gets the closest to their prediction wins the pie. For the Kindergarten group, there was a tie this year and two winners, Jonah and Vivien.

Since Jonah could walk, I've been saying he's the athlete in the family. He's extremely strong, has always been able to kick and throw a ball straight and long, and has a natural runner's stride. I'm so eager to get him involved in sports, but it's difficult since no one in his immediate family has any interest. At this point I'm counting on Jonah's gym teachers and classes.

And I'm hoping yesterday's win is a step in the right direction. Jonah was beyond excited and so was his brother, mom, dad, and grandparents. Congratulations, Jonah!

1 comment:

Rita said...

Oh my! Now that is one happy winner!!
Yes, if he is good at any sports I hope he gets encouragement. We really need to encourage whatever kids are good at or whatever they love. :) :)