May 2018

May 2018

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


I was cold all night and when I checked the thermostat this morning it's no wonder. It was 65 degrees!

The thermostat was set at 69 degrees, so something was clearly not working. My cousin, who owns a heating and cooling business, is here now and we should be comfy, again, soon.

I know we're in for at least 6-8 more weeks of winter-like weather, but I'm not looking forward to spring either. In spring 2013, our area was hit with numerous storms and several tornados.

Of course, summer in the St. Louis area isn't much fun either with extremely high temps and humidity. Guess I'll continue my search for a place that enjoys fall-like weather year-round and hope I can convince my grandsons's parents to move with us!

1 comment:

Rita said...

I know what that feels like and my heat isn't out--LOL! It is just chillier in here because it isn't the best made apartment building. I just throw on more layers. Winter will be over soon enough, but I think most people are beyond ready for spring this year--LOL! :)