May 2018

May 2018

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

December Daily – Day 3

Tuesday, December 3

Every holiday season Target offers a gift card option that includes a small toy. I've learned from past experience they don't last long. So I was thrilled to see this year's offer when I made a quick run to Target this morning with Jonah. And since I was with three-year-old Jonah and not seven-year-old Elliott, I was able to easily grab and hide two cards.

I know both boys will have a blast with their Target Hex Pups because they're still very much into Hex bugs. Plus they always have fun spending gift cards even if they're only for $5.

I also know, odds are, all the Hex Pups will be gone by end of day. So I guess it was lucky I woke up sick and had to make an emergency run to Target for medicine. I just hope this virus leaves as quickly as those Hex Pups disappear!

1 comment:

Rita said...

Boy! Am I ever out of it not having gone to stores for so long. Never heard of a Hex Pup. Having their own gift cards must be a treat! :)

Sick! That's a bummer! Hope you feel better soon.