May 2018

May 2018

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Farewell Old Friend

It's incredible how much HD televisions have dropped in price.  Today we scored a LG 42" LED HDTV with 1080p for $475 at Best Buy.  It retails for $599, but ours was the display model.

Today's purchase replaces the pre-flat screen model that used to be in the playroom.  The old television is a huge box that weighs a ton.  We'll be donating it to the upcoming garage sale, but don't expect to sell it for much if at all.  More than likely, we'll end up taking it to the electronic recycling center.

I loved that old TV for years and it served us well.  We even remodeled our entire family room to accommodate its size.  But now I'm glad to be rid of it.  Farewell old friend and thanks for many years of entertainment.

March 1-24 - No "junk" food.

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