May 2018

May 2018

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Terrible Twos

We appear to have entered the "Terrible Twos" with Jonah.  When Daniel started throwing tantrums after his first birthday, the pediatrician told me there's a reason they call it the "Terrible Twos."  The misunderstanding is that the phase starts after the second birthday.  In fact, it starts during the second year of life.

Last week I witnessed a couple of Jonah's episodes, but they now seem to be increasing.  Yesterday, and already this morning, Jonah has pitched several fits over not getting what he wants.  He stiffens his body, draws his hands into fists, and turns red.  It's pretty amusing until the screaming begins.  Or, what I call, the emergence of the "Devil Child."  At that point, I take a deep breath and thank God for long naps and summer vacation!

*12 Grandma Days until Easter Break*

**36 Grandma Days until End of School Year**

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