For approximately two years I've been dealing, struggling, and suffering with various aches and pains in my legs from my hips to my feet. Every morning I woke never knowing what leg or what particular area would give me trouble that day.
Thankfully, for the most part, any particular pain would lessen once I started walking. But, for sure, it was a chronic issue that drained my energy and spirit. I sadly just figured leg and feet pain was old age for me. And it's what would eventually keep me from working out.
Then two weeks ago I decided to start each day with two full glasses of water. I also began drinking a full bottle or glass of water every 1-2 hours throughout my waking hours. And upping my daily water intake was the only thing I did differently with regard to my health. Therefore, I have to believe water is why things have improved so drastically and amazingly.
Within one day of consuming so much water, all of the pains in my legs and feet were gone. Plus, except for the days I'm suffering from spring allergens, I have much more energy.
Naturally, I was extremely skeptical at first, thinking it was just a weird occurrence that wouldn't last. But after two weeks, I'm convinced the improvement in my health is all due to drinking a lot more water.
I guess for years I was extremely dehydrated even though I never felt thirsty. Now, whether thirsty or not, I drink. I drink a lot of water!