May 2018

May 2018

Thursday, September 10, 2015


As I do most mornings, I got on the scale this morning before breakfast. And I truly expected to see the same number that's greeted me for the last nearly two months. Some days I was up or down one pound, but it never lasted, always going back to that same dang number. But not today!

Today the second number of my total weight finally dropped a digit. Now I know I may not see that number, again, tomorrow or for another several days. But I also now know it's possible. So today I'm feeling especially good about how I've been feeding and treating my body.

I still hate how the number on the scale can affect my mood. But I'm better about it than I've ever been in the past. For example, I was up two pounds just three days ago and couldn't have cared less.

But today I'm at a weight I haven't seen for at least two years and I'm going to enjoy it. It's a rewarding day on my weight-loss journey.

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