May 2018

May 2018

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Massive Purge Continues

Last weekend we purchased a display cabinet for the little area just outside our kitchen. Here's a picture although ours is black not gray.

The new hutch, which we pick up Saturday, will replace three attached bookcases. That means I'm in the process of relocating items and, at long last, cleaning out the home office. 

This is one purge I put off for years because I knew it would be a big job. I'm now in day four and, so far, have four large kitchen trash bags for recycling, and a large box for shredding. 

In all honesty, it's the shredding that's caused me to procrastinate for so long. I miss the days when we could simple throw away old receipts, itemized statements, and tax documents. Now I have to shred all those pieces, which takes time, and will not be surprised if I kill another shredder in the process.

Of course there are several cons of such a big undertaking. I now have a larger pile for the April 19 MS garage sale, and the home office is much more organized. Plus I shouldn't have to do this job, again, any time soon. And, when I do, there will be much less stuff to sift through in our now mostly paperless world.

But best of all is the great feeling of relief to have rid our home of more useless stuff. For me, that's the biggest payoff of all.

1 comment:

Rita said...

Those big projects like that I put off, too. And I hate the shredding! I have a stack a good six inches high right now to go through for filing (that how far behind I am) and shredding. They do feel so wonderful when you are finished. I put off cleaning the pantry and kitchen for like three years (or more--LOL!) and I still love to stand and look in the pantry even though I finished months ago. ;) The purging is good. I stopped there and still haven't finished the rest of the place. Soon...soon... ;) I love that cabinet!! Gorgeous!