May 2018

May 2018

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

December Daily – Day 11

Wednesday, December 11

I finally felt well enough today to run a number of errands. After a week of mainly staying home, it was weird to be out and about on my own for several hours.

The day started with a trip to the dentist. I rescheduled the replacement of two right-side fillings. I'm definitely not well enough for that torture. But I couldn't put off having the left-side fillings I had replaced a month ago chiseled down. My bite had been off since the procedure and I'm so glad it's finally fixed.

After the thankfully short dentist visit, I played Santa, dropping off toys at the police station for Toys for Tots and mailing gifts to my son and daughter-in-law. Unfortunately Uncle Dan and Aunt Zuae can't come home for Christmas this year. When they moved to New York City from South Korea, we had hoped to see them more often. But whether in NYC or across the world, the lack of time and money still prevails.

Next I hit Jo-Ann's for some Christmas gift boxes and inspiration for more Jonah projects. It seemed as if everything was on sale or clearance, which was awesome. Especially since today was Senior Day when anyone 60 or older got an additional 20% off their entire purchase.

From Jo-Ann's, I went to the grocery store to get a couple of ingredients for the butternut squash and pear soup I plan to make this afternoon. I was pleasantly surprised to also find most of the cookie decorating items at nearly half off. Every year I make gingerbread men, houses, and trees for the grandsons to decorate and had been putting off getting the icing and embellishments because of the cost. This is one time I'm glad I waited.

And since Michael's is next door to the grocery store, I ran in hoping to find a couple of items to complement what I had bought at Jo-Ann's for tomorrow's crafting session with Jonah. Most of Michael's holiday items were 70% off, so I got what I needed and spent less than $3.00.

So today was filled with a lot of holiday activity. . .nothing pressing just fun.

1 comment:

Rita said...

Gosh! Don't you just love it when you go shopping and unexpectedly find things you wanted on sale!! Whoohoo! And those were really good sales, too. I didn't know Joann's has a senior day. Cool! :)