May 2018

May 2018

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Race to Retire

I've hit the age when a lot of my friends are retiring, semi-retiring, or planning to retire within a year. It all seems a little strange to me because I don't feel that old.

Nevertheless, I would love to no longer have to work.  But only if I still had enough money to travel and enjoy all my hobbies.  I also wouldn't mind having more time to spend with family.  I just don't want to be a retiree who's always worrying about making ends meet.  Especially if I could physically and mentally still be working.

And that's why my husband and I have no immediate plans to retire anytime soon.  Besides, for crying out loud, we're only 60 years young!

March 1- 27 - No "junk" food.
30 minutes on stationary bike.

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