May 2018

May 2018

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Game on 2012!

When my dad turned 81 in September, I asked if he had ever thought he would live so long.  He said he had never thought about being in his 80s.  That's how I feel about 2012.  I never thought about being here.

If I had considered it, for example when I was a teen, I probably would have found it hard to fathom.  For sure, I never could have imagined cell phones, laptops, or tablets much less rarely ever being without one or more of them.

I've never been one to long for the "old days" and am rarely nostalgic.  But I do sometimes wish advancements in technology would slow down a little.  Since I don't see that happening, however, I now imagine every new year as another 12 months of technology catch up.  No problem.  Game on 2012!

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