May 2018

May 2018

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sore Throat

Early last week, Jim came down with the congestion thing that's been going around.  He's just now coming out of it, so it's a 7-10 day illness.  It started with one of the office reps and one of the technicians.  Now the other office rep has it.  And late yesterday I started with it.

So far it's a mild sore throat.  I'm taking Zicam and AirBorne, hoping I can stop it in its tracks or, at minimum, shorten the duration.

I don't think there's been one day since school started that all of us (me, Jim, and the Jorgensens) have been well.  For that reason alone, I'm ready for spring.  We need to open the windows and let fresh air in.  Plus I believe the heater is a breeding ground for germs, which is why it's always so cold in hospitals and senior homes.  Thank goodness it's finally February!

(Day 9 of 30-Day Shred:  Little tougher today due to sore throat.)

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