May 2018

May 2018

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Still Recovering and Now Also Stressed!

I'm still suffering with congestion from the virus I caught over two weeks ago. It's minimal, but still extremely annoying even though it gets a touch better everyday.

Frankly, I'm starting to think it's allergies and quite possibly from our cat. Rupert lives in the basement, but dander could be seeping through the vents. I truly hope this isn't the case. Nevertheless, Rupert's definitely our last pet.

So I'm still not 100% and getting more and more stressed about the baby shower this Saturday. Thank goodness my daughter finally realized we have to hold the shower indoors and not under tents as previously planned. It's just way too hot.

But now we're shifting our plans to seating 30 people in her new home, and to keeping food and drink off her white couch and SIL's piano. As a friend said, let's hope people are respectful. Sadly, however, I've experienced the opposite when hosting large groups in my own home.

I'll just be so glad when the shower's over. I haven't hosted such a large event in a long time. And, at this point, I don't plan to ever again!

1 comment:

Rita said...

Awk! I don't blame you!
Hummm...a white couch and a baby coming? Odds are not good for that couch in the long run, regardless--LOL!
I sure hope you are feeling better soon. Have you always been allergic to cats? Or could it be hayfever or something else? There are so many weird illnesses going around the past couple years, though, that it could be just something else new you caught. Hope you're feeling okay by Saturday. I'll be glad for you when it's all over with. You know how I feel about gatherings, too--LOL! *hugs*