We're back to frigid temperatures and it seems everything is covered with a sheet of ice. It's so unsafe outside, again, Snow Day #10 was called.
If you've followed my blog for any length of time, you know I love staying home. All the snow, ice, and extreme cold temperatures we've had this winter haven't bothered me in the least. For me, it's all just a good excuse to not go out, giving me more time for my many hobbies. That is that's how I used to feel.

Even though I ride my recumbent bike 45-60 minutes on most days I can't get out, I'm starting to feel like a slug when I stay home. When the weather and my schedule allow, I've been enjoying a circuit-training class at the gym on Mondays and Fridays, and I'm beginning to feel stronger. Even with little consistency, I'm amazed at how much easier it is for me now to climb stairs, and walk longer and faster. I'm feeling so good I'm antsy to do more.
One thought is to take advantage of the many walking trails in our county parks. My hope is to even do some hiking on the days I watch Jonah, who loves being outside and active. While I'd be nervous walking with Jonah near a street, I think a park trail might workout nicely.
I'm also eager to start cleaning up the yard, another activity I can do with Jonah. We live on a wooded lot so our yard currently is full of dead leaves and branches of all sizes knocked down by snow and strong winter winds. It's a mess, but no different right now from anyone else's yard.
Yes, I do believe even I'm now tired of winter. Unfortunately, however, it's only March 3, which means winter could continue for at least 3-4 more weeks. I'm just hoping April doesn't bring weeks of rain!