Late afternoon yesterday, we determined there was no hope for our old Christmas tree. So last night we set out to look for a replacement. We seemed to be the only people shopping for a tree and inventory was slim. Fortunately, however, we did find a nice 4.5 foot pre-lit tree at a reduced price.
When we got back home, we stripped the old tree and positioned the new one. Then this morning I shopped Michaels, JoAnn, and Hobby Lobby for decorations. The new tree is not in a pot, so it's taller than the old one in addition to being wider. Again, inventory was slim, but everything was on sale and I got an additional discount at JoAnn because it was Senior Citizen Day. Yes, I now qualify for JoAnn's Senior Citizen Day and an additional 20% off my entire purchase isn't shabby. However, I quickly found the down side to Senior Citizen Days -- seniors!
From my experience, seniors in their 70s and 80s, in general, are the most self-centered people on earth. I often find them at Aldi's acting the same way they did today at JoAnn. They move at a snail's pace and constantly block the aisles with their carts. They also take a ridiculous amount of time to make a decision. Sadly, odds are I'll be the same way in 10-20 years. But, right now, I have little patience for seniors who seem to have nothing but time.
But back to the Christmas tree. . . I spent the entire afternoon decorating the new tree and love it! Truth is, I was a little bored with the old one, so this holiday episode had a happy ending.
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