May 2018

May 2018

Sunday, April 3, 2011

It's a Win!

We took Elliott to his first Cardinal baseball game today.  And he actually enjoyed it!

Elliott had never shown an interest in sports before and neither have his parents.  But I suspect some of his classmates are into sports and currently into baseball. Elliott has a competitive nature and doesn't like to be left out.  Therefore, for the moment, he's interested in watching and playing baseball.

It was Kids Opening Weekend at the ballpark.  Elliott got a t-shirt, a voucher for a free ticket to a future game, and ice cream.  Our seats were in the "nose bleed" section but, fortunately, in the shade.  It was a warm sunny day and the Cardinals won.  It was also a quick game, just two hours.  It was the perfect scenario for a five-year-old's first professional baseball game.

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